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Tips To Make Working from Home Safer

With so many more Americans working from home nowadays – whether through choice or due to circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic – keeping your workspace and your home safe from harm, has never been more important.

From securing your home, to protecting valuable data and documents, read on to discover some top tips to make working from home, as safe as possible:

Secure outdoor working spaces properly

If you’ve converted your shed or garage into an office space, it’s important that you assess the security on the doors and windows. Many garages and sheds aren’t made as secure as they could be, and if you’re working inside those spaces now, it’s essential to have strong, high security locks, and having motion sensor security lights and/or cameras can help give you peace of mind, too.

One other simple tip is to have drapes or blinds at the windows, and make sure these are always closed or pulled down when you’re not working inside.

Invest in a safe

If you’re storing confidential information related to your job in your new home workspace, then having a high security safe can help keep it secure at all times. From keys and documents to storage devices and cash, anything that is worth protecting, is worth storing in a safe.

Keep a discreet routine

Many of us are forced to follow a certain routine whether working away, or from home, but adjusting that routine from time to time can help make sure that anybody watching you, doesn’t find it so easy to predict when your home might be vulnerable in terms of breaking and entering.

If you regularly work from home, consider increasing the height of your fence so that others can’t look over the top and in through your windows, or keep drapes drawn and blinds down if your workspace is clearly visible from the street.

Consult with a residential locksmith

With all the latest tips, gadgets and security devices, your local locksmith is the best person to advise you about safety and security if you perform your job from the comfort of your home. Ask them to visit your home and carry out a security inspection; any recommendations they make for improving its security, can be carried out then and there.

Repair, or improve the security, of any sliding patio doors

Many homes have patio doors or doors that slide, and these are renowned for being weak spots in terms of security. These doors should in fact, be kept as secure as your main entranceways, and if any of the locks are faulty, damaged, or simply weak, you should have them replaced or upgraded at the earliest opportunity.

Working from home can be advantageous for many, but don’t let complacency make you fall victim to crime. Improve your home security wherever possible (and within the confines of your budget), to ensure that you, your home and any important data related to your job, are kept safe at all times.

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