Have You Got Your Facts Right About Auto Key Cutting?

Ever since transponder car keys came onto the scene, the techniques used to make car keys have progressed significantly, and many of the technological advances are hard to keep up with. As a result, those without specific knowledge about car keys and how they’re made, may hold some misconceptions about key cutting, and who exactly they can rely upon to help them should they have issues with their traditional car key, or transponder.

To help you understand a little more about auto key cutting, we’ve compiled a short guide:

Who can cut you a new car key?

The belief has always been that if you need to replace your car key for any reason, a car dealership, insurance agency or mechanics garage is the only place that you can go to for a legitimate service. While each of these places may well be able to help you, what you may not know is that they charge significantly more, and take a lot longer, than an automotive locksmith.

Automotive locksmiths are qualified and able to help you with a range of car key services, including replacement keys, and are usually able to respond far quicker than a dealership. With fewer overheads to cover, their services are invariably cheaper, too.

What about replacing complex modern keys, like transponders?

You can go to your local car dealership if you need to replace your transponder car key, but you will probably have to wait a longer to get your replacement key, and there’s no doubt that it will cost more than if you went to an automotive locksmith. Provided your local auto locksmith is qualified and experienced in what they’re doing (and you can always ask for proof of their skills and certification), they will be able to create replacements for transponder keys, keyless entry car fobs and immobilizers. They have all the essential computer software to reprogram transponder chips, and can just as easily replace these, as they can traditional car keys.

Automotive locksmiths can help with a range of other car related issues

While you might associate automotive locksmiths merely with cutting car keys, they can actually assist you with a range of other car related problems, such as diagnosing and repairing car lock chamber issues, jammed keys, worn down key pins, debris in lock slots, ignition replacement, transponder software issues and much, much more.

So, the next time you have a problem with your cars locking system or keys, don’t hesitate to seek out your nearest automotive locksmith, and save yourself a whole bunch of time and money.

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