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What To Do If Your Keys Get Locked Inside The Car…Again!

Let’s face it, there are few of us who haven’t locked the keys to our car inside it at one time or another, for some of us it may even be multiple times! You feel stupid, but above all, it’s just one major inconvenience, particularly if you only have the one key. Maybe you need to get someplace in a hurry, or something that you need is locked inside the car? Whatever it may be, you’ll want to open the car and retrieve those keys, pronto!

So, if you find yourself locked out of your car, is there anything you can do to help yourself, or should you call a locksmith and have them undo your embarrassing mistake as quickly as possible?

Possible ways of not having to share your stupidity with a locksmith!

It should be made clear that the following suggestions may not work for everyone, and you could be at risk of making the situation worse:

  • Using a wire coat hanger

Not everyone who locks themselves out of their car will have a wire coat hanger to hand, but if you should happen to have one, you may be able to use it to create a loop to pick up the key. Of course, this depends on their being an opening present, such as a window in which you can poke the wire loop through. However, even if a window is open, take care not to force the wire loop through lest you damage that, too!

  • Using a ‘Slim Jim’

If you’re into your DIY or are a handyman by trade or hobby, then you may have a Slim Jim as part of your tool repertoire. However, these are usually used by licensed locksmiths and law enforcement officers, so do be warned that you could get yourself into some hot water if found in possession of one without the appropriate authorization!

That said, if you are the legitimate owner of Slim Jim tool, then you could use it to slide into the narrow slit between the glass and the car door. Once you’ve done that, try to reach the lock mechanism with the tool and twist it to pull up the lock mechanism.

Admit your stupidity, swallow your pride and call the locksmith!

This is undoubtedly the safest and most sensible method of ensuring that not only do you get your car open and your keys back, but that you don’t cause any unnecessary damage to your vehicle. Call a professional locksmith (please call a pro who is qualified and experienced, and not just your mate from down the road who knows how to get into cars!) and they will safely pick the lock using special tools designed just for that purpose. It’s incredibly easy to damage locks, so using anyone but a professional is just silly.

Even if you’ve accidentally locked your keys in the trunk of your car, a locksmith will be able to retrieve them quickly and easily.

The quickest and most reliable way of getting into your locked car without the key, is to have a locksmith pick the lock and get you back on the road before you’ve even had time to be too annoyed at yourself! Alternatives may end up damaging your car, which in the long run, could cost you way more than a locksmith, not to mention the time you’ll save by using a professional.

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