Are Locksmith Services Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

There may come a time in most of our lives when we’ll need the services of a locksmith, but have you ever wondered whether your homeowner’s insurance policy will cover the charges?

While the case may be that most homeowner’s coverage will not cover a locksmith’s fees, there are still some policies that may, and checking with your insurance provider is the best way to find a definitive answer. Or, of course, you may remember having added this to your coverage.

Should your homeowner’s insurance cover the services of a locksmith, the policy may be somewhat limited, and might not cover the full amount.

Under what circumstances might my homeowner’s insurance cover a locksmith?

If your homeowner’s insurance policy includes locksmith coverage, the chances are that it will only cover it under certain circumstances, which may include the following:

  • Entry point damage following a natural disaster

If the doors and/or windows to your home were damaged in the event of a natural disaster (that was beyond your control), then your homeowner’s policy may provide coverage for a locksmith to repair or replace the locking systems on them.

  • Vandalism

Whether this occurred as part of a burglary attempt, or as another type of incident, if your home was vandalized and some of the locks were damaged, your coverage may pay for a locksmith to make the necessary repairs.

  • If your keys were stolen

If the keys to your home have been stolen, many homeowner’s insurance policies will cover the cost of hiring a locksmith to rekey the locks.

  • If your safe is stolen or vandalized

Whether you’re covered for this event will depend entirely upon whether your safe is covered by your policy.

Many homeowner’s insurance policies allow you to purchase additional coverage for locksmith’s services, and if this is something you would like to do, you should contact your insurance agent as soon as possible.

If you experience an issue with the keys, locks or ignition on a car or other vehicle, it would be worth checking whether your roadside assistance plan or auto insurance policy covers you for a locksmith’s services.

If you’re unsure as to what your homeowner’s insurance policy covers you for, speak to your agent today to make sure you’re not left out of pocket when a problem occurs with the security of your home. Remember also, that while it can of course be helpful to have an insurance policy that will pay for a locksmith, if you really need their services, it’s best not to delay seeking their help, as the risk of not doing so, may end up costing you a whole lot more.

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