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6 Instances That Warrant a Change of Locks

Keeping your home secure at all times, is essential, no matter where you live or what type of home you live in, and sometimes, changing the locks is the only way to achieve this.

Below are 6 instances that warrant a change of locks, and remember, this should always be carried out by a licensed locksmith:

  1. When you move into a new home

You just don’t know who might still have keys to your new home, from previous owners and their friends and family, to contractors, dog sitters andcleaners, so it makes sense to have all of the locks changed for your security and peace of mind.

  • A change of tenants

If you own a rental property (or several), you should always have the locks changed between tenancies, otherwise you could end up with many people being able to gain access to the property, and that isn’t good for you or your tenants.

  • If you’ve recently evicted someone

Landlords should also change the locks to their property if they have recently evicted a tenant. Even if they gave you back the keys, you have no way of knowing if they made copies, and if the eviction didn’t go smoothly, you might want to consider improving the security measures all round, with the help of a residential locksmith.

  • When a relationship has ended

Even if you parted on amicable terms with your previous partner, you just can’t be sure that they won’t want to come back to the property for any reason, either while you’re there, or when you’re absent, and without your knowledge or consent. Changing the locks can help you keep your home secure, and even help you accept that the relationship is over.

  • If you are being stalked

Being stalked by someone – whether a stranger or someone from your past – can be frightening, and if they know where you live, it can be even more terrifying. While you should of course, contact the police if you’re concerned about your personal safety or that of your family, you should also take the opportunity to change and upgrade the locks on your home, and have a security expert such as a residential locksmith, advise you of any areas of your home in which security can be improved.

  • After a burglary

Whether the burglary was successful and they broke in and stole items from your home, or it was a failed attempt to break in, once someone has tried to get in, the chances are that they’ll be back to try again; they may even have stolen your keys! And if they don’t come back, some other desperate criminal will. Without changing the locks after a burglary, you leave yourself, your home, your family and your belongings, in grave danger; get the locks changed and look at other ways you might be able to reduce the chances of your home being targeted again by burglars.

Changing the locks after any of these events or circumstances may seem extreme, but when you think of what you potentially stand to lose if someone gets into your home or rented property without your knowledge or consent, it’s absolutely worth doing.

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